02 December 2009


i just heard a kid I went to high school died this fall. i say kid. he was in my class. he was a man now. a dentist actually. and by the sound of it, a good upstanding one.

not that I knew him, other than a friend of a friend. the sort of gregarious sportsman and upstart that intimidated me then and reminds me of my brother now. but still. it's sad, even from a distance. he always seemed like a nice guy.

i don't know what to say, but it makes me sad.

sometimes i think deaths accumulate. that sorrow collects in little crevasses in my soul. like i never stop grieving someone, it just fades away until someone else joins the ranks and all the previous sorrows well up and compound. like hard bits of scar tissue that grow over each other until I'll just be one callous lump of all the loss and regret.

it probably won't happen. but it might.

but this isn't about me. it's about joe. and i am sorry for him and his family. I hope the world of lives he touched were better for it and that he is remembered and loved. because sometimes that's all you can hope for.

1 comment:

Heidi Renée said...

Yeah, about that. What happened? I don't know anyone that was close enough to him to ask without it being weird/rude.

I am not ready for us to be the age at which our classmates start dying.