13 February 2006

oh hosting or, the bain of my virtual literary existance

although full blown panic is unnecessary, i am slightly worried about d-x.

a massive server failure has introduced the possiblity all of ranting, raving, amusing asides, and tragic confessions i've done in various places, but always off the same system, may be unrecoverable.

we are talking almost 5 years of my life, and if you hadn't yet assumed as such, they have been, shall we say, prolific. (and full of egregious grammatical faux pas like the above)

i would most certainly survive. but i would be sad.

if for no other reason the tentative book deal would be a moot point without the files. i really should be better about these things.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ouch. this is clearly no good.

but while old posts are fun and educational to look at, i think you can at least be assured that the actual making of the post (at least for me) is more cathartic than anything else.

but fear not, dear grady! this guy (while clearly idiotic)seems very dedicated to recovering all lost data. is even willing to give up new laptop for it. isn't that something indeed?

p.s.--am sad you're sick. hope the weeping over teenage angst has made you feel just a tiny bit better.