21 January 2006

things i want

- to be missed (day two and i still think i want a hypothetical relationship. this might be a record.)
- ben and jerry's brownie-fudge-whatsit
- a candle lit bubble bath
- a massage
- a favourite novel
- a silk robe
- stillettos

if i become any more bridget jones i am going to puke.

1 comment:

L-Squared said...

You paint yourself as quite the loner but we know the truth. Woman, you were raised on Jane Austen and brocade and far too much of either to seriously consider permanent bachelordom. Don't even get me started on all the boys you've been crushing on since, oh, EIGHTH GRADE. Here's the rub: you don't need a man, but there's no shame in wanting one pretty damn bad. Sorry to tell you, but your new-found sluttiness (yay!) and your lifelong romanticism will only lead down the road of Smug Marrieds. And lest you try to resist my siren song, let me tell you that it's really not so bad.