19 May 2008

a rather unexpected detour

I am feeling better. Not actually because anything has changed, but you can only be angry and petulant and not doing anything about it for so long. It gets really boring.

I went back to the doctor Friday. I brought my list of everything that seemed weird or felt wrong. I was brave enough to read it out and not miss anything and just trust the doctors.

She still thinks it's just stress induced ickiness, but after a month it's time to look at other options. I've been referred to the hospital for a stomach ultrasound and had to send a sample to the lab.

You thought peeing in a cup was hard - try using a tiny plastic shovel to fill a testtube with your own faeces. The medical profession delights in demeaning us all I am sure. They better have a fucking good explanation at the other end, that's all I 'm saying.

In other news, it is springtime. I spend my afternoons in the office garden sifting though paperwork and generally trying to take it easy.

Okay, we interrupt this regualrly scehduled update:

I am watching The Secret Lives of Mammals (I can't get enough nature shows) and have just witnessed two hedgehogs doing a mating dance. It is truly weird and somehow really cute.

I love hedgehogs. I don't know if it is coincidence or inspiration that the beanie baby that has my birthday (yes I still know this, I don't know why) is a hedgehog. I think I still have one somewhere from my aunt karen.

I have to go - there is an armoured armadillo/echindna like thing. A pangloin apparantly.

Freakin sweet.

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