23 May 2010

Crazy Eights

I liked this in Heidi Renee's blog, and seeing as I rarely come up with anything interesting/fun to say these days, thought I'd give it a shot.

8 T.V. Shows I Watch
I mostly watch tv on demand or on dvd, so airing dates have become obsolete in our house, but most of these I watch pretty regularly

1. Glee
2. Agatha Christie's Poirot
3. Veronica Mars
4. 30 Rock
5. the nerdtastic The Story of Science
6. the geekery and banter of QI, because who doesn't love Stephen Fry?
7. Plus we're savouring the last series of Battlestar...
8. and just about to start Mad Men

8 Favorite Places to Eat and Drink
I've limited myself to Edinburgh establishment of quirky distinction. Should you visit, I'll take you to them all:

1. eteaket : (see what they did there?) gourmet cakes (from Libby's, see below), the world's best scones and a tea menu larger than most wine lists

2. oink : proper old fashioned hog roast roll is the perfect winter warmer. the best hand-held food money can buy.

3. libby's cakes : a place for only cupcakes and cake cakes. decadence is perfection. especially with glitter icing.

4. cafe andaluz : tapas that will make you melt and the world's best tablet to finish.

5. oloroso : a rooftop patio to die for and my favourite local micro-brew: Innis & Gunn

6. bramble : exotic cocktails in vintage tea cups. what's not to love?

7. ashai : best chicken tikka biryani in town.

8. under the stairs. quaint, cosy and full of beaten up leather chairs. perfect for a quiet drink.

honourable mention: my parents house on Sunday mornings. dad's brunch is still unrivaled.

8 Things I Look Forward To

1. lazy sex at the weekend
2. sunny afternoons
3. the next great novel which will sweep me off my feet
4. seeing my sister again
5. moving, leaving and starting over
5. getting out to open water
6. special occasions (which lately have included Othello night (the game, not the play) and going to "our" band's gig)
7. taking a bath
8. oddly, some exercise. i am in the market for a bike.

8 Things That Happened Yesterday

1. did yoga in the garden, bliss.
2. liam did The 48 Hour Film Project
3. baked my first but by no means last madeira cake.
4. slept alone because of number 2 :(
5. made lemonade from scratch for to picnic in this heat wave
6. ...and ended up with a nasty sunburn on my back
7. bought a killer new dress
8. watched Anne of Avonlea

8 Things I Like About Summer

1. long, long evenings (we're so far north the sun doesn't go down til after 10pm lately)
2. soaking up heat until I can feel it in my bones
3. the emergence of my freckles at last
4. everything feels more cheerful
5. picnics and bbqs
6. the soft breeze off the water
7. the lushness and slowness of everything
8. the excitment that bleeds into the city as Festival season approaches

8 Things I'm Passionate About

1. Family
2. Nature
3. Education
4. Free Speech
5. art, in all its forms
6. developing a deeper understanding of my connection to the universe
7. the feeling of home
8. community

8 Words or Phrases I Use Often

1. love you like salt
2. bean
3. noodle fish
4. hey lady
5. fuck (or when really annoyed, jesus fucking christ)
6. i'm okay
7. seriously?
8. whatever.

8 Things I Have Learned From the Past

1. Feel, then think, then do.
2. Stopping to reassess may feel like it costs you time, but it saves you sanity which is priceless
3. writing things down really is cathardic
4. People change more than you know (and aren't nearly as scary as you think)
5. Be passionate and the work will find you.
6. Always eat local, especially when travelling. McDonalds in Germany tastes like shit, and kofta tastes brilliant you get over the fact it looks like a poo log.
7. College is more about learning about you than learning facts.
8. Enough is better than too much in almost everything.

8 Places I'd Like to Visit
where I haven't been before

1. Thailand
2. New Zealand
3. New York City
4. Tokyo
5. Eastern Europe (Budapest, Vienna & Prague)
6. Costa Rica
7. Orient Express (train from Florence to Paris)
8. The pyramids

8 Things I Currently Want/Need

1. Want: Liam to wake up so we can have dinner
2. Want: new jeans
3. Need: to find a path in life
4. Need: inner guidance
5. Want: grilled halloumi, yum
6. Want: purge this every growing pile of unnecessary stuff cluttering up the house
7. Want: a bicycle
8. Need: forgiveness

I won't tag anyone in particular, go for it if you're so inclined!

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