06 May 2006

epiphany of the day: the lucky shirt

while standing in the shower this afternoon, i realized a very important thing about myself.

with 50% (1) of the men (2) i have hooked up with (3) in the last year (4) i was wearing the same shirt.

(1) 50% as in 5 out of 10
(2) i use the term loosely though their equipment defines them as masculine anatomically
(3) as in anything beyond second base (i know. but you come up with a better system then)
(4) 16 months but poetic licence is never more applicable when considering past partners

either the low neck navy polo was built for my tits or i desperately need a new wardrobe.


Anonymous said...

i definitely had a lucky shirt that worked for me (for a while at least).

it's blue. long-sleeved. v neck with slight puker at the apex. wide neck.

a black tank top is worn underneath.

in fact, i haven't worn it in awhile. something to consider...

or it could just be it was one of the few shirts i had at the time, and i just wore it every day.

because i do know exactly what shirt you're talking about, and i haven't seen you since christmas.

the V said...

that's probably a sign i need a new one.

i'd say i'll move on to the WiSE camp tee-turned-halter but that one might even be older (and it's past equally sordid).

i am starting to have clothes older than i can remember. if i revert to plaid or shorts at any stage please kill me.