15 April 2006

point for nature

when i went on the pill i was still (mostly) un-sexually active, but let's not split hairs.

i mostly needed to curb my wonder woman size hormones and avoid the two days of excruciating pain a month where i had to call into work saying "i cant see straight because my woman parts are being turned inside out" which made my boss uncomfortable. and the regularity was a major bonus.

i have three little pink pills left. three days (give or take, i always hope for give) of safety and normalcy to prepare myself for the plecebo pandemonium. i specifically even picked tuesdays for least screwing up of my daily life and weekend plans.

and yet here i am, sore, bleeding, and crabby at 9am on a saturday.

what the fuck.

why oh why? how can it be possible even modern medicine cannot outwit my internal chaos? i can only conclude my hormones are stronger than whatever is in those things.

in the arm wrestle for my vaginal timetable, it seems biology has triumphed.

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