15 December 2005

hello from before

i know.

i haven't written in a while. chill the fuck out.

but with my mom living on the sofa in my bedroom there was little room to embelish in the vixen's exploits (even with a mad ceilidh with a swede on graduation day) in the past month.

to be fair though, she bought me a flatscreen tv and a dvd player in recompense, besides, i needed the time away to prove my pious devotion to a trying a normal life.

today though, i am back in the game.

remember that hot young author? this one.

yeah well, he wrote me. he is on the list of scotland's top 100, along with the new Dr. Who and the guy who wrote Alan Partridge (probably brit references well and decently out of the scope of anyone not tied to this island).

and after some slight flirtation (don't blame me, he asked why his description included the alien term "jailbait" - and no, this one isn't a minor, i checked - so sue me for explaining piquishly?) we have tentative plans tomorrow.

i expect nothing, but think i might shave my legs just in case.

1 comment:

L-Squared said...

does it have a name?

Oh, and pic please.