05 December 2008

tomorrow we are moving.

after the busiest 6 months of my life, we now have the added complication of boxes and internet providers and mail forwarding and the joys of heavy lifting.

i am nervous. and scared.

mostly because i am unable to take time off work, so I am not there. I am not packing. I am not the one calling the gas company. I feel useless and numb and it all seems so unreal without the methodical cathardic process of putting your old life away to unpack the new one later.

also, I feel guilty Liam is trying to carry this burden alone. Managing the little things can take a lifetime.

Plus, his brother is staying with us. To help with the move. But instead of coming for the weekend of the move to lift boxes and then campout in the new place, for unforseeable circumstances it has become a week of tripping over him in the packing process and a spare pair of hands to disassemble the shelving. A nice guy, and such a help. But the stress of packing and moving makes us shit hosts. It's all gone a bit pear-shaped.

Anyway. I should be excited. A huge, quiet new place in a nice neighborhood. But honestly, I am just counting the minutes until my world feels normal again. Until my life is my own.


Heidi Renée said...

New places are so much fun once you're finally in them--arranging furniture and hanging pictures and making it your own space.

But the transition period sucks. I've moved four times since 2004 and if I didn't hate it in Massachusetts so much, I'd be insisting we sit tight for a while. But I DO hate it, so I'm looking for any excuse I can find to move far, far away.

Hang in there--it'll be back to you and Liam and cozy and normal in no time.

Kateless said...

I hope your move went really smoothly and you are now settled in with a cup of tea, Liam and no mice!!

Love love,