18 January 2009

philosophical conundrum

what if you are loved. loved deeply, honestly and whole-heartedly.

but it's not how you always wanted to be loved?

love is so many things to so many people, can you still be in love and not match? can you defy your expectations? Can you grow with your lover to something akin to your dreams? Is being loved enough? Or is it selfish to expect a specific manifestation of that love?

this is a saturday night couch philosopher one for the ages. i am full of huberis and ennui apparently and just asking for trouble.


Heidi Renée said...

For me, the love itself is enough. And the manifestations, while not the ones I dreamed about or expected, surprise and delight me at every turn.

Most men are more Henry Higgins than Freddy. And if we're honest with ourselves, Freddy was pretty gay.

L-Squared said...

As someone who dated OHS's version of Freddy, I concur.