27 June 2011

Thirty on my mind

For about a year, the prospect of 30 has drifted in and out of my consciousness.

Some landmark, previously obscured by hazy expectation, is drawing near.

I mostly don't mind at all - or rather I don't mind in the way that seems expected. The way it works on tv.

I am not worried about aging (I like my gray hairs). I am not sorry my 20s are ending. I am not terrified of the commitments and seriousness of life ahead. I am not racing a clock, bodily or metaphorical.

I do mind that I am slow to seize the new me. That my vision for the future (it is truly beautiful) is taking shape and I want to grab it right now -- not wait for money or sense or reason. I do mind that regret and resentment still hold me back sometimes, but I am working on that.

So, for lots of reasons that seem different than the cliches (but probably aren't), I want to mark this moment.

I want now to be a time I can look back on and remember. To see the change. To know the bravery and hope that filled my life in this turning point.

Serendipitous then, that I got an email alert from Joy the Baker today. It is fab. I love her (mostly because she reminds me of my sister).

Lovely Joy is also in the thirty-something transition. And she made a list : 30 Things Before 30 Years.

It's a lovely list (and reassuring she hasn't quite got it done yet and it's become a 30 Things in 30 Years list)

So I thought it was time I came up with my own.

I'm not sure I need to stick to the numbers, I don't need a gimmick here. And I'm not entirely sure it'll be things that need to happen in the next six months - but now is as good a time as any to start the rest of my life.

Visit one city I have never been to before

Live by the sea

Take three friends out to lunch

Join a group I'm passionate about

Walk five miles of country road

Make six beautiful things




Do ten cartwheels

Read eleven books I've always been curious about

Send postcards to twelve people

Grow a wildflower garden

Eat off of pretty things as often as possible (buying cheap mismatched china to make this happen is allowed)


Barbecue and picnic sixteen times this summer




Learn to make twenty new recipes

Twenty One
Learn to sail

Twenty Two

Twenty Three

Twenty Four
Create 24 sweets and send them to someone you love

Twenty Five
Wave at 25 people riding by on the bus

Twenty Six
Get rid of twenty six articles of clothing

Twenty Seven

Twenty Eight

Twenty Nine
Learn twenty nine words in another language.


Hm. Am running the risk of putting in impulsive nothings to fill the list just for the sake of it. Will sleep on it a bit I think and add to it as and when.

Any suggestions people?

10 June 2011

I have finally sorted out my LinkedIn. and after a morning staring blindly at tick boxes my eyes are swimming.

I so don't miss having a desk job.

07 June 2011

I may or may not have made a giant skillet cookie today.

I may or may not have done any measuring whatsoever, resulting in a giant lump of goo.

I may or may not have undercooked it so it stayed that way.

I may or may not have eaten the entire thing while contemplating nothing and reading trash.

but if I had, it would have been worth it.

01 June 2011

So, that story I was writing?

It's going to be published in this book.

Hideous, but awesome.